Ambrosia Appetizer Board

What could be simpler than a spread of apples, cheese, and delicate prosciutto?  A tasty, nutrient-packed accompaniment to the cocktail hour!


Ambrosia Appetizer Board


  • (Ambrosia when available) Apples
  • (Any quality, thin sliced deli meat) Charcuterie
  • (two cheeses, one stronger and one traditional) Cheese

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  • STEP 1

    The Apple:
    Use Ambrosias when available. Crisp and sweet, they will brown more slowly than other varieties.  If you don’t have Ambrosias: not to worry. Dip your apples in apple juice that has Vitamin C added. You will still only taste apple, and the apples will stay whiter throughout the evening.

  • STEP 2

    Any quality, thin sliced deli meat will pair beautifully with apples. Smoked turkey. Black Forest Ham. Pepper Crusted salami. 

  • STEP 3

    The Cheese:
    Use two cheeses, perhaps one stronger and one more traditional, such as Stilton and cheddar, to please a variety of palates. Remember when using a soft cheese such as Brie or Camembert to let them warm to room temperature before serving.